Componentes Índice de páginas
Componentes principales
Se trata de un elemento siempre disponible en la parte superior de la pantalla. Proporciona un acceso a funciones de todo el sistema y elementos de navegación local.
Mostrar parámetros
Parámetros del componente
- name: skipLink
type: component
required: false
description: The skipLink component parameters
- name: homepageUrl
type: string
required: false
description: The url of the homepage. Defaults to /
- name: expandedLogo
type: boolean
required: false
description: When true, the logo has the complete logo with text. Use it when showing header to citizen public apps.
- name: noLogo
type: boolean
required: false
description: When true, there will be no Gobierno de Aragón logo.
- name: customLogoHtml
type: string
required: false
description: HTML for the custom logo. If provided there will appear a custom logo after the Gobierno de Aragón logo
- name: mobileTitle
type: object
required: false
description: The title of the app that appears after the logo only in mobile.
- name: text
type: string
required: true
description: If `html` is set, this is not required. Text for the mobileTitle. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
- name: html
type: string
required: true
description: If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML for the mobileTitle. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
- name: classes
type: string
required: false
description: Classes to add to the mobileTitle.
- name: attributes
type: object
required: false
description: HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the mobileTitle.
- name: subnav
type: object
required: false
description: Options for the subnav at right.
- name: text
type: string
required: true
description: If `html` is set, this is not required. Text for the dropdown. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
- name: html
type: string
required: true
description: If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML for the dropdown. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
- name: hiddenText
type: string
required: false
description: Text for screenreaders only after the dropdown element.
- name: classesContainer
type: string
required: false
description: Classes to add to the container div of dropdown and tooltip elements.
- name: classesTooltip
type: string
required: false
description: Classes to add to the tooltip content.
- name: classes
type: string
required: false
description: Classes to add to the dropdown element.
- name: attributes
type: object
required: false
description: HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the dropdown element.
- name: contentHtml
type: string
required: true
description: Html content inside the subnav once opened.
- name: items
type: array
required: false
description: An array of navigation item objects in subnav. If no items are defined, there will be simple text instead a dropdown.
- name: href
type: string
required: true
description: Item link.
- name: target
type: string
required: false
description: The target where the item should link to.
- name: text
type: string
required: true
description: If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within each nav item. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
- name: html
type: string
required: true
description: If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within each nav item. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
- name: id
type: string
required: false
description: Specific id attribute for the checkbox item. If omitted, then idPrefix option will be applied.
- name: active
type: boolean
required: false
description: If true, item will be active.
- name: disabled
type: boolean
required: false
description: If true, checkbox will be disabled.
- name: divider
type: boolean
required: false
description: If true, a divider border will be shown after the item.
- name: classes
type: string
required: false
description: Classes to add to the item.
- name: attributes
type: object
required: false
description: HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the item.
- name: dropdown
type: object
required: false
description: Options for the dropdown at right.
- name: text
type: string
required: true
description: If `html` is set, this is not required. Text for the dropdown. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
- name: html
type: string
required: true
description: If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML for the dropdown. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
- name: hiddenText
type: string
required: false
description: Text for screenreaders only after the dropdown element.
- name: classesContainer
type: string
required: false
description: Classes to add to the container div of dropdown and tooltip elements. Defaults to 'hidden lg:block'
- name: classesTooltip
type: string
required: false
description: Classes to add to the tooltip content.
- name: classes
type: string
required: false
description: Classes to add to the dropdown element.
- name: attributes
type: object
required: false
description: HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the dropdown element.
- name: contentHtml
type: string
required: true
description: Html content inside the dropdown once opened.
- name: items
type: array
required: true
description: An array of navigation item objects in subnav dropdown. If `items` is provided, the `contentHtml` argument will be ignored.
- name: href
type: string
required: true
description: Item link.
- name: target
type: string
required: false
description: The target where the item should link to.
- name: text
type: string
required: true
description: If `html` is set, this is not required. Text to use within each nav item. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
- name: html
type: string
required: true
description: If `text` is set, this is not required. HTML to use within each nav item. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
- name: id
type: string
required: false
description: Specific id attribute for the checkbox item. If omitted, then idPrefix option will be applied.
- name: active
type: boolean
required: false
description: If true, item will be active.
- name: disabled
type: boolean
required: false
description: If true, checkbox will be disabled.
- name: divider
type: boolean
required: false
description: If true, a divider border will be shown after the item.
- name: classes
type: string
required: false
description: Classes to add to the item.
- name: attributes
type: object
required: false
description: HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the item.
- name: navigation
type: object
required: false
description: Options for the navigation main menu.
- name: classes
type: string
required: false
description: Classes for the navigation menu component. Defaults to 'hidden lg:block'
- name: items
type: array
required: true
description: An array of navigation item objects in main menu.
- name: text
type: string
required: false
description: Text for the navigation item. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
- name: html
type: string
required: false
description: HTML for the navigation item. If `html` is provided, the `text` argument will be ignored.
- name: href
type: string
required: false
description: Url of the navigation item anchor. Both `href` and `text` attributes for navigation items need to be provided to create an item.
- name: target
type: string
required: false
description: The target where the item should link to.
- name: active
type: boolean
required: false
description: Flag to mark the navigation item as active or not.
- name: attributes
type: object
required: false
description: HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the navigation item anchor.
- name: customNavigationHtml
type: string
required: false
description: HTML for the custom navigation area. If provided there will appear an embed area where you can nest custom navigation after the default one.
- name: offcanvas
type: object
required: false
description: Options for the offcanvas menu.
- name: text
type: string
required: true
description: Text for the offcanvas button.
- name: textClose
type: string
required: true
description: Text for the offcanvas button for close. Only visible in screenreaders.
- name: classes
type: string
required: false
description: Classes for the offcanvas component. Defaults to '-mr-2 flex lg:hidden'.
- name: containerClasses
type: string
required: false
description: Classes for the container, useful if you want to make the header fixed width.
- name: classes
type: string
required: false
description: Classes to add to the header container.
- name: attributes
type: object
required: false
description: HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the header container.
- name: caller
type: nunjucks-block
required: false
description: Content inside the offcanvas. Not strictly a parameter but [Nunjucks code convention]( Using a `call` block enables you to call a macro with all the text inside the tag. This is helpful if you want to pass a lot of content into a macro. To use it, you will need to wrap the entire header component in a `call` block.
Por defecto #
El menú por defecto de las aplicaciones de la administración digital tiene un logo que enlaza a la página de inicio y un menu principal de navegación. El menu de navegación se oculta en mobile si no se añaden clases a navigation. El logotipo es simple, sin letras, si la app está diseñada para funcionarios. Junto al logo hay un texto que da nombre a la app en la que estamos. Puedes usar con javascript la función global activateItemHeaderNavigation(elementMenu, idItemSeleccionado)
para seleccionar un item de un menú, usando sus ids. Ej: Abre la consola del navegador y escribe activateItemHeaderNavigation("header-nav-item", "page-catalogo")
para desactivar el item actual y activar el tercer item del header de la página.
Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Por defecto
Nunjucks macro
{% from "components/header/_macro.header.njk" import componentHeader %}
{{ componentHeader({
"homepageUrl": "/",
"idPrefix": "mi-menu",
"mobileTitle": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
"subnav": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
"navigation": {
"items": [
"href": "#1",
"text": "Navigation item 1"
"href": "#2",
"text": "Navigation item 2",
"active": true
"href": "#3",
"text": "Navigation item 3"
"href": "#4",
"text": "Navigation item 4"
}) }}
<!-- header -->
<nav aria-labelledby="skip-link">
<!-- skip-link -->
<a href="#content" class="c-skip-link sr-only active:not-sr-only focus:not-sr-only focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus block p-base bg-warning-base text-center text-black underline" id="skip-link">Saltar al contenido principal</a>
<!-- /skip-link -->
<div class="bg-neutral-lighter border-b border-neutral-base">
<div class="container mx-auto px-base">
<div class="flex items-center justify-between min-h-14">
<div class="flex flex-wrap items-center">
<div class="flex items-center">
<a href="/" class="flex flex-wrap mr-4 text-black focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-black">
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 144 32" width="144" height="32" class="fill-current hidden" aria-label="Ir a la página de inicio de la aplicación" role="img">
<clipPath id="b-logo-expanded">
<path fill="rgb(252, 228, 0)" d="M0 0h31.509v31.495H0z" />
<clipPath id="a-logo-expanded">
<path d="M0 0h144v32H0z" />
<g clip-path="url(#a-logo-expanded)">
<path fill="rgb(252, 228, 0)" d="M0 .205h31.509V31.7H0z" />
<g clip-path="url(#b-logo-expanded)" transform="translate(0 .205)">
<g fill="#dd171b" fill-rule="evenodd">
<path d="m31.509 6.048-7.568 1.515a14.545 14.545 0 0 1-7.905-1.025 15.04 15.04 0 0 0-5-1.817 12.536 12.536 0 0 0-3.535-.011l-5.051.9c-.8.156-1.639.3-2.453.434V.315A7.1 7.1 0 0 1 3.888.226a9.926 9.926 0 0 1 2.085.936 17.6 17.6 0 0 0 4.293 1.962 13.92 13.92 0 0 0 6.6-.034l4.728-.858 4.939-.892 4.97-1.024ZM6.602 24.229a14.592 14.592 0 0 1 9.555 1.014 12.178 12.178 0 0 0 8.307 1.5l7.044-1.271v5.706a8.247 8.247 0 0 1-3.008.256 6.4 6.4 0 0 1-1.594-.457l-3.657-1.917a12.217 12.217 0 0 0-7.092-.825L1.026 31.011 0 31.177v-5.706l1.26-.256 3.312-.613c.669-.123 1.371-.245 2.029-.379ZM-.003 15.077v-4.391l13.027-2.377a15.5 15.5 0 0 1 9.11 1.638 12.535 12.535 0 0 0 8.474.925l.9-.189v4.391l-2.874-1.639a12.286 12.286 0 0 0-6.835-1.014l-8.006 1.46c-.959.179-2.877.524-2.877.524l-7.292 1.349a5.152 5.152 0 0 1-3.627-.677ZM31.509 16.583v4.324L18.6 23.282a15.5 15.5 0 0 1-9.11-1.638 12.532 12.532 0 0 0-8.474-.925l-1.015.19v-4.324l2.988 1.572a12.291 12.291 0 0 0 6.835 1.014l8.006-1.46c.959-.178 2.877-.524 2.877-.524l7.292-1.349a5.142 5.142 0 0 1 3.51.745Z" />
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<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="32" height="32" class="w-8 h-8 fill-current" aria-label="Ir a la página de inicio de la aplicación" role="img">
<clipPath id="b-logo-mini">
<path fill="rgb(252, 228, 0)" d="M0 0h32v32.001H0z" />
<clipPath id="a-logo-mini">
<path d="M0 0h32v32H0z" />
<g clip-path="url(#a-logo-mini)">
<path fill="rgb(252, 228, 0)" d="M0 .305h32v32.001H0z" />
<g clip-path="url(#b-logo-mini)" transform="translate(0 .305)">
<g fill="#dd171b" fill-rule="evenodd">
<path d="m31.997 6.145-7.686 1.539a14.764 14.764 0 0 1-8.028-1.042 15.267 15.267 0 0 0-5.073-1.846 12.725 12.725 0 0 0-3.59-.011l-5.13.918a94.41 94.41 0 0 1-2.491.442V.324a7.213 7.213 0 0 1 3.952-.09 10.087 10.087 0 0 1 2.118.951 17.859 17.859 0 0 0 4.36 1.993 14.13 14.13 0 0 0 6.7-.034l4.8-.872 5.016-.906 5.048-1.04ZM6.705 24.619a14.812 14.812 0 0 1 9.7 1.03 12.363 12.363 0 0 0 8.437 1.529l7.154-1.291v5.8a8.37 8.37 0 0 1-3.055.26 6.509 6.509 0 0 1-1.619-.464l-3.714-1.948a12.4 12.4 0 0 0-7.2-.838l-15.366 2.82L0 31.686v-5.8l1.28-.26 3.363-.623c.679-.125 1.393-.249 2.061-.385ZM-.003 15.32v-4.462l13.23-2.417a15.734 15.734 0 0 1 9.252 1.665 12.723 12.723 0 0 0 8.606.94l.914-.192v4.462L29.08 13.65a12.472 12.472 0 0 0-6.941-1.031l-8.131 1.483c-.974.182-2.921.532-2.921.532l-7.406 1.371a5.23 5.23 0 0 1-3.684-.685ZM31.997 16.851v4.393l-13.11 2.413a15.735 15.735 0 0 1-9.252-1.665 12.721 12.721 0 0 0-8.606-.94l-1.03.193v-4.394l3.035 1.6a12.476 12.476 0 0 0 6.941 1.03l8.13-1.483c.974-.182 2.922-.532 2.922-.532l7.406-1.371a5.219 5.219 0 0 1 3.564.756Z" />
<!-- header__subnav -->
<p class="hidden lg:inline-block align-middle px-3 py-4 border-r border-l border-neutral-base text-sm text-black">
<span class="sr-only">Aplicación actual: </span>
Gestor de expedientes
<!-- /header__subnav -->
<div class="inline-block lg:hidden max-w-full">
<p class="align-middle py-4 text-sm text-black overflow-hidden">Gestor de expedientes</p>
<!-- header__navigation -->
<nav id="header-nav-item" data-module="c-header-navigation" class="hidden lg:block" aria-label="Menú principal">
<ul class="ml-sm flex flex-wrap items-baseline">
<a id="header-nav-item-1" href="#1" class="max-w-40 lg:max-w-xs px-3 py-4 text-sm text-black hover:underline truncate focus:outline-none focus:ring-4 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-black focus:bg-warning-base">Navigation item 1</a>
<a id="header-nav-item-2" href="#2" class="max-w-40 lg:max-w-xs px-3 py-4 text-sm text-black hover:underline truncate focus:outline-none focus:ring-4 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-black focus:bg-warning-base" aria-current="page"><strong class="font-bold">Navigation item 2</strong></a>
<a id="header-nav-item-3" href="#3" class="max-w-40 lg:max-w-xs px-3 py-4 text-sm text-black hover:underline truncate focus:outline-none focus:ring-4 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-black focus:bg-warning-base">Navigation item 3</a>
<a id="header-nav-item-4" href="#4" class="max-w-40 lg:max-w-xs px-3 py-4 text-sm text-black hover:underline truncate focus:outline-none focus:ring-4 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-black focus:bg-warning-base">Navigation item 4</a>
<!-- /header__navigation -->
<!-- /header -->
Con navegación personalizada #
Tras nuestro menú de navegación tenemos customNavigationHtml
una zona anidable para poder añadir una navegación personalizada.
Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Con navegación personalizada
Nunjucks macro
{% from "components/header/_macro.header.njk" import componentHeader %}
{{ componentHeader({
"homepageUrl": "/",
"mobileTitle": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
"subnav": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
"customNavigationHtml": "<div class=\"flex flex-wrap flex-1 gap-base\">\n \n <!-- menu-navigation -->\n <nav data-module=\"c-menu-navigation\" class=\"c-menu-navigation--last-right hidden lg:block w-full bg-neutral-lighter \" aria-label=\"Navegación principal\">\n <ul class=\"flex flex-wrap gap-base c-menu-navigation__list\">\n <li class=\"relative\">\n <button aria-expanded=\"true\" aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-controls=\"header-custom-nav-item-1-sub-list\" id=\"header-custom-nav-item-1\" class=\"c-menu-navigation__button c-menu-navigation__button--header -mr-base\" ><span class=\"inline-flex self-center max-w-xs align-middle truncate pointer-events-none\">Custom Item 1</span>\n <svg class=\"inline-block -mr-2 align-middle -my-px pointer-events-none\" viewBox=\"0 0 96 96\" aria-hidden=\"true\" fill=\"currentColor\" focusable=\"false\" width=\"1.5em\" height=\"1.5em\"><g><path d=\"M46.71 58.037a1.823 1.823 0 002.581 0L62.048 45.28a1.823 1.823 0 00-1.29-3.113H35.243a1.823 1.823 0 00-1.291 3.113z\"/></g></svg></button>\n <div class=\"c-menu-navigation__sub absolute bottom-0 left-0\">\n <ul id=\"header-custom-nav-item-1-sub-list\" class=\"c-menu-navigation__sub--list c-menu-navigation__tooltip w-max max-w-64 border border-neutral-base shadow-md bg-white text-sm\" aria-labelledby=\"header-custom-nav-item-1\">\n <li>\n <a href=\"#\" class=\"flex items-center px-base py-sm text-sm hover:bg-primary-base hover:text-white focus:bg-warning-base focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus focus:text-black\" id=\"sub-header-custom-nav-item-1-1\">\n Subitem 1\n </a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a href=\"#\" class=\"flex items-center px-base py-sm text-sm hover:bg-primary-base hover:text-white focus:bg-warning-base focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus focus:text-black\" id=\"sub-header-custom-nav-item-1-2\">\n Subitem 2\n </a>\n </li>\n <li>\n <a href=\"#\" class=\"flex items-center px-base py-sm text-sm hover:bg-primary-base hover:text-white focus:bg-warning-base 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Subitem 1
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Subitem 2
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Subitem 3
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Subitem 1
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Subitem 2
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Subitem 3
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Con navegación personalizada a la derecha #
En el customNavigationHtml
podemos añadir elementos posicionados a la derecha.
Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Con navegación personalizada a la derecha
Nunjucks macro
{% from "components/header/_macro.header.njk" import componentHeader %}
{{ componentHeader({
"homepageUrl": "/",
"mobileTitle": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
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"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
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<!-- header__subnav -->
<p class="hidden lg:inline-block align-middle px-3 py-4 border-r border-l border-neutral-base text-sm text-black">
<span class="sr-only">Aplicación actual: </span>
Gestor de expedientes
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<div class="inline-block lg:hidden max-w-full">
<p class="align-middle py-4 text-sm text-black overflow-hidden">Gestor de expedientes</p>
<div class="relative flex justify-end items-center flex-1 gap-base">
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<!-- /header -->
Con enlace de skiplink personalizado #
Pasando parámetros customizados al componente Skip Link. Útil para hacer plantillas de página con barra lateral o con un contenido principal localizado en otro sitio diferente al habitual.
Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Con enlace de skiplink personalizado
Nunjucks macro
{% from "components/header/_macro.header.njk" import componentHeader %}
{{ componentHeader({
"skipLink": {
"text": "Saltar al contenido central",
"href": "#content-center",
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"attr-example": "custom-data"
"homepageUrl": "/",
"mobileTitle": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
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"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
"navigation": {
"items": [
"href": "#1",
"text": "Navigation item 1"
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"text": "Navigation item 2",
"active": true
"href": "#3",
"text": "Navigation item 3"
"href": "#4",
"text": "Navigation item 4"
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<p class="hidden lg:inline-block align-middle px-3 py-4 border-r border-l border-neutral-base text-sm text-black">
<span class="sr-only">Aplicación actual: </span>
Gestor de expedientes
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<div class="inline-block lg:hidden max-w-full">
<p class="align-middle py-4 text-sm text-black overflow-hidden">Gestor de expedientes</p>
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<nav id="header-nav-item" data-module="c-header-navigation" class="hidden lg:block" aria-label="Menú principal">
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<a id="header-nav-item-2" href="#2" class="max-w-40 lg:max-w-xs px-3 py-4 text-sm text-black hover:underline truncate focus:outline-none focus:ring-4 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-black focus:bg-warning-base" aria-current="page"><strong class="font-bold">Navigation item 2</strong></a>
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<!-- /header -->
Logo expandido #
Con el parámetro "expandedLogo": true
se muestra el logo del Gobierno de Aragón en formato expandido. Utilizar este logotipo en apps que estén dirigidas al ciudadano y también antes de hacer login en todas las apps.
Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Logo expandido
Nunjucks macro
{% from "components/header/_macro.header.njk" import componentHeader %}
{{ componentHeader({
"homepageUrl": "/",
"expandedLogo": true
}) }}
<!-- header -->
<nav aria-labelledby="skip-link">
<!-- skip-link -->
<a href="#content" class="c-skip-link sr-only active:not-sr-only focus:not-sr-only focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus block p-base bg-warning-base text-center text-black underline" id="skip-link">Saltar al contenido principal</a>
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<!-- /header -->
Con offcanvas #
Menu mobile que sólo se muestra en anchuras pequeñas y que permite insertar dentro cualquier contenido con Nunjuks caller.
Gestor de expedientes
Usuario/a: Marta Pérez
Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Con offcanvas
Nunjucks macro
{% from "components/header/_macro.header.njk" import componentHeader %}
{% call componentHeader({
"homepageUrl": "/",
"mobileTitle": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
"subnav": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
"offcanvas": {
"text": "Menú",
"textClose": "Cerrar menu",
"labelledId": "offcanvas-title"
}) %}
<nav class="w-full p-2" aria-label="Menú móvil">
<h3 class="p-base text-base font-bold">Gestor de expedientes</h3>
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<strong class="font-bold">Inicio</strong>
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<div class="sr-only">Separador</div>
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Con offcanvas y mobiletitle #
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Gestor de expedientes
Usuario/a: Marta Pérez
Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Con offcanvas y mobiletitle
Nunjucks macro
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"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
"subnav": {
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"offcanvas": {
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Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Con subnav text
Nunjucks macro
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"subnav": {
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<!-- header__subnav -->
<p class="hidden lg:inline-block align-middle px-3 py-4 border-r border-l border-neutral-base text-sm text-black">
<span class="sr-only">Aplicación actual: </span>
Gestor de expedientes
<!-- /header__subnav -->
<div class="inline-block lg:hidden max-w-full">
<p class="align-middle py-4 text-sm text-black overflow-hidden">Gestor de expedientes</p>
<!-- /header -->
Con subnav items #
Un dropdown junto al logo que ha de usarse para mostrar el nombre de la app en la que estamos y para navegar a otra app diferente. Usamos los items proporcionados para la navegación.
Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Con subnav items
Nunjucks macro
{% from "components/header/_macro.header.njk" import componentHeader %}
{{ componentHeader({
"homepageUrl": "/",
"mobileTitle": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
"subnav": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes",
"items": [
"href": "#",
"text": "Gestor de expedientes",
"active": true
"href": "#",
"text": "Catálogo de servicios"
"href": "#",
"text": "Bandeja de entrada"
"href": "#",
"text": "Sistema de comprobación y verificación de documentos por CSV"
}) }}
<!-- header -->
<nav aria-labelledby="skip-link">
<!-- skip-link -->
<a href="#content" class="c-skip-link sr-only active:not-sr-only focus:not-sr-only focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus block p-base bg-warning-base text-center text-black underline" id="skip-link">Saltar al contenido principal</a>
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<div class="container mx-auto px-base">
<div class="flex items-center justify-between min-h-14">
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<!-- header__subnav -->
<div class="hidden lg:flex items-center">
<div class="py-2 relative border-r border-l border-neutral-base">
<p class="sr-only">Aplicación actual: </p>
<!-- dropdown -->
<div data-module="c-dropdown" class=" relative">
<button class="c-dropdown c-dropdown--header" data-module="c-dropdown-button" aria-haspopup="true">
<span class="inline-flex self-center max-w-xs align-middle truncate">Gestor de expedientes</span>
<svg class="inline-block -mr-2 align-middle -my-px" viewBox="0 0 96 96" aria-hidden="true" fill="currentColor" focusable="false" width="1.5em" height="1.5em">
<path d="M46.71 58.037a1.823 1.823 0 002.581 0L62.048 45.28a1.823 1.823 0 00-1.29-3.113H35.243a1.823 1.823 0 00-1.291 3.113z" />
<div class="c-dropdown__tooltip -ml-sm mt-2 border border-neutral-base shadow-md bg-white" data-module="c-dropdown-tooltip">
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<nav data-module="c-nav" class="text-sm w-max max-w-64" id="id-subnav-nav" aria-label="Aplicaciones">
<a href="#" class="flex items-center px-base py-sm hover:bg-primary-base hover:text-white focus:bg-warning-base focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus focus:text-black" aria-current="page" id="header-subnav-nav-item-1">
<strong class="font-bold">Gestor de expedientes</strong>
<a href="#" class="flex items-center px-base py-sm hover:bg-primary-base hover:text-white focus:bg-warning-base focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus focus:text-black" id="header-subnav-nav-item-2">
Catálogo de servicios
<a href="#" class="flex items-center px-base py-sm hover:bg-primary-base hover:text-white focus:bg-warning-base focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus focus:text-black" id="header-subnav-nav-item-3">
Bandeja de entrada
<a href="#" class="flex items-center px-base py-sm hover:bg-primary-base hover:text-white focus:bg-warning-base focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus focus:text-black" id="header-subnav-nav-item-4">
Sistema de comprobación y verificación de documentos por CSV
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<div class="inline-block lg:hidden max-w-full">
<p class="align-middle py-4 text-sm text-black overflow-hidden">Gestor de expedientes</p>
<!-- /header -->
Con dropdown #
Un dropdown a la derecha que puede usarse para mostrar información adicional, normalmante relativa a la cuenta de usuario, como: Perfil y Cerrar sesión. Se oculta por defecto en anchuras pequeñas si no se le añaden clases a dropdown.
Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Con dropdown
Nunjucks macro
{% from "components/header/_macro.header.njk" import componentHeader %}
{{ componentHeader({
"homepageUrl": "/",
"mobileTitle": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
"dropdown": {
"text": "Marta Pérez",
"items": [
"text": "Perfil",
"href": "/"
"text": "Cerrar sesión",
"href": "/"
}) }}
<!-- header -->
<nav aria-labelledby="skip-link">
<!-- skip-link -->
<a href="#content" class="c-skip-link sr-only active:not-sr-only focus:not-sr-only focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus block p-base bg-warning-base text-center text-black underline" id="skip-link">Saltar al contenido principal</a>
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Con dropdown personalizado #
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Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Con dropdown personalizado
Nunjucks macro
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"text": "Perfil",
"href": "/"
"text": "Cerrar sesión",
"href": "/"
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Cerrar sesión
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Con contenido personalizado en dropdown #
El dropdown puede contener cualquier tipo de información.
Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Con contenido personalizado en dropdown
Nunjucks macro
{% from "components/header/_macro.header.njk" import componentHeader %}
{{ componentHeader({
"homepageUrl": "/",
"mobileTitle": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
"dropdown": {
"text": "Marta Pérez",
"contentHtml": "<div class=\"p-base\"><dl><dt class=\"text-base\">Marta Pérez</dt><dd class=\"text-sm text-neutral-dark\">Departamento de Ciencia, Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento</dd></dl></div>",
"classesTooltip": "w-64 max-h-48 overflow-y-auto"
}) }}
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<nav aria-labelledby="skip-link">
<!-- skip-link -->
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<div class="inline-block lg:hidden max-w-full">
<p class="align-middle py-4 text-sm text-black overflow-hidden">Gestor de expedientes</p>
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<span class="inline-flex self-center max-w-xs align-middle truncate">Marta Pérez</span>
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<div class="p-base">
<dt class="text-base">Marta Pérez</dt>
<dd class="text-sm text-neutral-dark">Departamento de Ciencia, Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento</dd>
<!-- /dropdown -->
<!-- /header__dropdown -->
<!-- /header -->
Con todo #
Logo, menu de navegación, dropdown en anchuras grandes y menu mobile en pequeñas.
Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Con todo
Nunjucks macro
{% from "components/header/_macro.header.njk" import componentHeader %}
{% call componentHeader({
"homepageUrl": "/",
"mobileTitle": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes"
"subnav": {
"text": "Gestor de expedientes",
"items": [
"href": "#",
"text": "Gestor de expedientes",
"active": true
"href": "#",
"text": "Catálogo de servicios"
"href": "#",
"text": "Bandeja de entrada"
"href": "#",
"text": "Sistema de comprobación y verificación de documentos por CSV"
"navigation": {
"items": [
"href": "#1",
"text": "Navigation item 1"
"href": "#2",
"text": "Navigation item 2",
"active": true
"href": "#3",
"text": "Navigation item 3"
"dropdown": {
"text": "Marta Pérez",
"items": [
"text": "Perfil",
"href": "/"
"text": "Cerrar sesión",
"href": "/"
"offcanvas": {
"text": "Menú",
"textClose": "Cerrar menu"
}) %}
<nav class="w-full p-2" aria-label="Menú móvil">
<h3 class="p-base text-base font-bold">Gestor de expedientes</h3>
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<strong class="font-bold">Inicio</strong>
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<div class="sr-only">Separador</div>
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<h3 class="p-base text-base font-bold">Usuario/a: Marta Pérez</h3>
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<ul data-module="c-nav" class="text-sm" aria-label="Lista de acciones de usuario">
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Cerrar sesión
<li class="my-sm border-b border-neutral-base" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="sr-only">Separador</div>
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<details class=" px-base">
<summary class="py-sm cursor-pointer focus:bg-warning-base focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus focus:text-black">
<span class="c-link text-sm">
Cambiar de aplicación
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<strong class="font-bold">Gestor de expedientes</strong>
<a href="#" class="flex items-center px-base py-sm hover:bg-primary-base hover:text-white focus:bg-warning-base focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus focus:text-black" id="nav-mobile-apps-2">
Catálogo de servicios
<a href="#" class="flex items-center px-base py-sm hover:bg-primary-base hover:text-white focus:bg-warning-base focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus focus:text-black" id="nav-mobile-apps-3">
Bandeja de entrada
<a href="#" class="flex items-center px-base py-sm hover:bg-primary-base hover:text-white focus:bg-warning-base focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline-focus focus:text-black" id="nav-mobile-apps-4">
Sistema de comprobación y verificación de documentos por CSV
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<!-- /details --> </nav>
{% endcall %}
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Email template example #
Ejemplo de uso en platilla de email por defecto. Sólo con logo expandido.
Mostrar códigodel ejemplo: Email template example
Nunjucks macro
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